일본이 유네스코 문화유산으로 등재한 군함도. 아름다운 섬으로 왜곡되어 등재되자 뉴욕 한복판에서 하나의 영상이 '지옥의 섬' 실상 알렸다.
Japanese government succeeded to register the island Hashima few years ago. But people in the world don't know what kind of space it was before. It was recommanded by UNESCO that the history of Hashima island (and any other candidate for registeration) should be revealed and opened, not veiled or hided. However, Japanese government intended to cover the truth which they abused and discriminated the worker. (the majority of the people were Korean)
To broadly unveil the truth, a movie clip was shown in New York. It says a lot of truth in a very short time.
(from 00:50 the video begins)
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