
*spoiled for choice - to have too many good options to choose from
*weigh your options- to consider the options carefully before making a decision
*torn between - to have difficulty choosing between two options
*no-brainer - an easy decision

<You'll Be 'Spoiled for Choice' with These Phrases>

Are you good at making decisions? From little things like what to eat for breakfast to big things like whether to start a new job, it can feel like every day is full of nothing but decisions, decisions, decisions!

And while we can't help make those decisions any easier, we can at least give you some phrases you can use to talk about them!

For example, imagine you're going to a movie theater with your friend, and they ask what you want to watch.

If you have a lot of movies to pick from, you can say you're "spoiled for choice." This phrase is used when you have a lot of good options to choose from.

To help you decide among so many movies, you should "weigh your options" — think about all the good points and bad points of each one before deciding which one to watch.

But if the movies are all starting soon, you might need to "make a snap decision" about what to watch. This means to make a decision quickly, without considering it too much.

If there are two movies you want to watch but you can't decide which one, you might feel like you're "torn between" them. If you're "torn between" two things, you're having a difficult time choosing between them.

But if there's one movie both you and your friend have been waiting all year to see, your choice could be a "no-brainer" — it's such an easy decision that you don't even have to use your brain to think about it!


'TOEIC(토익)' 카테고리의 다른 글

토익의 폐단  (0) 2022.11.06


0. 행정이 추구하는 가치-효과(목표달성),능률(투입산출),생산성-생산활동의 능률성+효과성을 조화-높은 목표달성도를 능률적으로 실현하는데 관심

1.큰 정부론과 작은 정부론 
-비용과 편익이 괴리되는 ‘비용과 편익의 절연’ - 시장실패가 아니고 정부실패시 나타나는 현상
-정부에 의해 공공서비스가 생산 공급될 때 나타날 수 있는 특징이다.
 따라서 작은정부론자들은 이를 근거로 정부실패를 설명하고, 정부활동의 축소를 주장한다.

-하이예크-신자유주의의 아버지/대처리즘에 영향


-행정관리론(과학적)에서는 절약과 효율 강조
-신행정론에서 (포스트모더니즘, 현상학) 적실성과 실질적 처방강조
-신행정론:형평성, 실질적 처방성 강조
-Governance:협력과 참여, 소통 강조
-NPS:국민에게로의 봉사 강조



기업가정치 ,다수의정치 ,이익집단정치 ,운동가정치(사회규제)



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